This is another common error that affects the quality of writing and can have a negative effect on your company’s credibility.
As a general rule, affect is the verb (what has happened or is happening) and effect is the noun (the result of what happens).
The economic downturn has had a negative effect on many local businesses.
Will the Christmas holiday affect your business?
The effect on some companies has been minimal but for some a lack of disposable income has affected profits.
The effect of a particular circumstance can affect the way you feel or react.
However, just to confuse things, effect can sometimes be used as a verb. You can effect change – make something happen.
Our company must effect change to increase profits.
So, was this post affective/effective?
Quick Quiz
The storm had a devastating affect/ effect on the town.
I hope the weather will not affect/ effect my plans for today.
Wine has a strange affect/ effect on me. It affects/ effects my decisions and this results in my being inaffective/ ineffective at tpynig and splelnig… (hic!)
The storm had a devastating effect on the town.
I hope the weather will not affect my plans for today.
Wine has a strange effect on me. It affects my decisions and this results in my being ineffective at typing and spelling …